Sunday, December 14, 2008

Say Cheese!

Isabella decided today that she would rather be behind the camera than infront of the camera. The tripod was up with the camera on it. Isabella started to show interest in it so I showed her where to push the button to take the photos. She was so excited to be able to take the photo herself. She would look at me and say cheese. I would say cheese and she would push the button and then move to where she could see the picture on the screen. She would not let me leave my position as I was her photo subject. She soon started to also want Sophie in the picture as well. She would say, "Woof Woof, Cheese! Woof Woof, Cheese!" Woof Woof is what Isabella calls Sophie. When Michael got home she ran up to him and grabbed his hand yelling Dadda Cheese, Dadda Cheese. She sat him down infront of the camera and started to take his photo also.
This is Isabella's first Photo.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Disneyland Birthday

Today we all went to Disneyland for my birthday. I love Disneyland and I especially love Disneyland at Christmas time. It was Isabella's first time so we went to the City Hall and Isabella got a special button that said, "1st Time" and I got one that said, "Happy Birthday."

Isabella's First Ride at Disneyland - Autotopia. She loved it so much she started to scream when I tried to take her off at the end.

Isabella tried so hard to see the entire Disneyland Christmas Parade but my rocking her to the music put her in dream land.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Thursday, December 4, 2008